Over 180 Lift Slips for boats up to 50'
New Piers
Guaranteed service with 2 New Forklifts
Large In-Water Staging Area
25 Overnight High & Dry Wet Slips

Clean and well-Manicured Grounds
Picnic Area with Grills
Ample Customer Parking
Enclosed Patio Amenities
Floating Swimming Pool

Clean Showers and Tiled Restrooms (just renovated)
State-of-the-art Osmosis Water Conditioning System for the entire Marina
Fully equipped Service Facility
Trailer Storage
Holding Tank Pump Out service
Factory Certified Mechanics
Prop Reconditioning
Fiberglass Repairs
Bottom Painting
Cleaning and Detailing Service
Custom Canvas and Shrink Wrap Service
Hauling, Winterization and Maintenance Service